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What Size Wakeboard Do I Need? See Answer

Which wakeboard is best for you out of the countless varieties available? Wakeboards come in a variety of styles to accommodate various riding techniques.

What size wakeboard do I need? You need to consider weight and riding style.

We’ll go over the key characteristics of wakeboards and the factors you should take into account before purchasing a new wakeboard. Choosing the appropriate board for your riding style and skill level will help you get off to the best start and enjoy yourself as much as you can while out on the water.

For more specific information, keep reading.

Choose The Right Wakeboard Length

What wakeboard size do I need? Many people who enjoy water sports are curious about this. The following two factors will determine your ideal wakeboard size:

  1. Your weight
  2. Your riding style


The ideal wakeboard length for a range in rider weight is shown in the table below. It can be frustrating when a wakeboard is not long enough to adequately float you, so it’s crucial to choose the right board length based on your weight.

Wakeboard size chart

Rider Weight (lbs)Rider Weight (kg)Wakeboard Length (cm)
< 100< 45< 130
90 – 15040 – 65130 – 134
130 – 18059 – 82135 – 139
170 – 25077 – 113140 – 144
200 – 275+91 – 125+> 144


Riding Style

In addition to your weight, you should consider your riding style. A shorter wakeboard is preferred by some people, while a longer wakeboard is preferred by others.

A Longer Wakeboards

Due to the larger surface area, a longer wakeboard is easier to ride and will result in softer landings. Furthermore, the greater surface area will give you more control. Air tricks require more effort, though, because longer boards are heavier.

Pros: A Longer Wakeboard
  • Softer landings

Larger sizes make landings softer. This softens and eases landings on the knees. Therefore, a big size is the way to go if you like to kick big but have knees that can’t take the impact.

  • Better floating capabilities

A large size equates to a lot of floating potential, as seen in the snowboarding scene. Additionally, because they can float more easily, they can ride more easily and smoothly on the water with less energy expended.

  • Better flex pattern

Riding a longer board has the benefit of giving you more surface area overall, including right next to your binding. which provides you with more surface area to press against and maximize the flex pattern of your board.

Cons: A Longer Wakeboard
  • Slower edge-to-edge

We repeatedly stated: more surface area! There is a drawback to this as well.. This means that when you want to transition from your toeside to your heelside, your board is larger and will take longer to respond.

  • Harder to flip and spin

What did you expect, more weight because there is more surface?! It is more difficult to flip and spin a board because of the added weight you receive from choosing a bigger board. It’s fun to use a large board, but going overboard requires subtlety. Choose a smaller board that you can flip, rather than a large one.

  • Harder for inverts

The larger surface area of a larger board tends to “stick” to the water more, in addition to adding weight. Inverts are not impossible—far from it—but you’ll just feel like it takes more stamina and energy to pull one off.

A Shorter Wakeboard

Shorter boards typically move through the water more slowly and laboriously. This is so that the board can move across the water’s surface more quickly as it has more surface area. On a shorter board than on a longer board, landings are also a little bit harder. Conversely, performing spins and air tricks is simpler with a shorter wakeboard.

Smaller boards are ideal for boating and invert riding. This is because riding in this manner necessitates spending a lot of time in the air. A smaller board is preferable to ride for this type of use because it requires less strength to perform frequent jumps off the wake and invert riding.

Pros: A Shorter Wakeboard
  • Better for inverts and more air time

Simple as that: Less weight equals more airtime! A brick will drop to the ground before a feather. The same is true for big vs. small boards; the smaller board will give you a little bit more airtime when you send it off the wake or kickers. Smaller boards are also better for inverts; this is another reason why all old-school riders preferred 137/138-inch boards.

  • Fast edge to edge

Since a smaller board is also narrower, edge-to-edge control is accelerated and improved. Since there is less surface area to apply pressure to, moving from edge to edge is quicker.

  • Faster to spin and flip

Flipping and spinning the board whenever you want is much simpler with less weight on your feet. Nobody enjoys flipping with a heavy brick on their feet, to be honest.

  • Fast on the water when edging

A smaller effective edge is what you have when riding a smaller-sized board. Essentially, this means that because the portion of your board that is still submerged is smaller, its edge is subject to less drag. More speed equates to less drag! Therefore, a smaller board will give you so much speed that you’ll break sound barriers if you need a board that’s quick when you lock your knees and edge hard!

Cons: A Smaller Wakeboard
  • Tougher landings

There is less surface to cushion the impact of a hard landing because there is less surface area. Do not misunderstand us; you do not require knees of steel; however, if you have weak knees, you should be aware of this.

  • Costs more energy to ride

A smaller wakeboard will have less floating ability when you ride it. which results in a ride that also uses up a little more of your energy.

Wakeboard Types

In light of everything mentioned above, wakeboard designers combined a number of these features while keeping in mind the various riding styles in general. What every newcomer anticipates is the first kind. Grab your board and your friends, and head outside in the afternoon for a leisurely session of riding calm waters. In addition to possibly having fins, spines, or channels, these boards frequently have a continuous camber with minimal lift.

Then there are the cable park boards. These boards were made with grinding in mind. Both slick and strong describe their bases. They probably have a continuous camber and some good flex, and they probably don’t have spines or concaves.

The hybrids come next. There are conceivably innumerable wakeboard types within hybrids. Any topic can be discussed on these boards. They give up some features, but what they lack in features they make up for in adaptability. Channels and hybrid cambers are most likely present in these boards. We highly recommend a hybrid board for those who are knowledgeable about boats and cables.

What Size Wakeboard Do I Need See Answer
What Size Wakeboard Do I Need? See Answer

Wakeboard Features

Beyond Isaac Newton’s theories, wakeboard designers have continued to innovate. The boards that are currently available have a few unexpected, sometimes odd, features.

  • Concaves. Some wakeboards have small indentations along the base that can be seen if you turn them over on their belly. These are not defects in production. They are there for a reason. Isaac Newton might not have understood this, but they help with lift when you hit the wake and also help to reduce the suction that can keep some riders glued to the surface. This topic is worthy of a lengthy article.
  • Fins. You men have witnessed sailboats. You guys have seen surfboards. They traverse the water in a manner similar to wakeboards. They depend on something sticking out below them to help them stay on course. This feature isn’t absolutely necessary for wakeboards. They can only cut a turn by using their edges, just like snowboards. However, wakeboards with fins turn much more easily than those without. Try out a board with this feature if you’re a serious carver, at the very least. At first, it’s an odd sensation, but many people like it. Go finless if your style is more quick and dirty and especially if you frequent cable parks.
  • Channels. A fin’s opposite is a channel. These divots, which typically run the length of the board, provide a happy medium between a base with fins and one that is entirely smooth. They’ll aid in maintaining a straight course, reduce water surface tension, and ensure a comfortable ride. We recommend channeled wakeboards for any riders who liked the sound of ‘hybrid cambers’ or whatever else they’re called.
  • Spines. The base of every wakeboard is not level. Some boards have spines that run the length of them, similar to a keel on a boat but with a less blocky shape. If you’re popping off the wake, these can, like channels, replace the fin and soften landings.
  • Edges. Yes, every board has edges. But they differ in terms of the type of riding you want to do, unlike any other board sport. Carvers of the world are for hard, sharp edges. On a sweltering August day, they cut through the water like a knife through butter. For people who would rather leave the earth, smooth edged boards are at the other end of the spectrum. They slide more easily over water and allow for sloppier landings, much like butter on a hot August day. Smooth boards have the major advantage of being less likely to catch an edge.

Wakeboard Rocker And Riding Style

Continuous Rocker Wakeboards

A continuous rocker has a single, slender curve. Continuous rocker wakeboards offer quick, smooth rides and make it simpler to link turns together. On a wakeboard with continuous rocker, you can travel at a high speed. You can move farther out into the flats by moving quickly and experiencing a very predictable pop (height) when you hit the wake. Wakeboards with continuous rocker are excellent for carving, especially on flat, glassy mornings.

3-stage Rocker Wakeboards

Similar to the Styrofoam plate that your Taco Del Mar grilled halibut tacos come in, a wakeboard with a three-stage rocker has three distinct planes on the bottom of the board. When you hit the wake with your wakeboard, a 3-stage rocker makes it more responsive with more pop (height). However, in every situation, more rocker is not always better. A wakeboard feels looser or more slippery on the water’s surface when it has a more pronounced rocker. Additionally, because of its shape, the board travels more slowly through the water because it ploughs rather than cuts. You have to rely more on edging the wakeboard as your fins become less useful. Boards with 3-stage rocker have a flatter center spot, which intensifies landing impacts and imparts a slightly sluggish feeling after landing.

Hybrid Rocker Wakeboards

Abrupt Continuous, Blended 3-Stage, Hybrid 3-Stage, and Hybrid Rocker are all names for rocker profiles that fall between Continuous and 3-Stage Rockers. Different combinations are available from each brand and board.

Camber Wakeboards

Camber is the newest wakeboard profile introduced, and it was inspired by traditional ski and snowboard shapes. In comparison to a continuous or 3-stage rocker line, camber completely alters how your weight is distributed on the water. Once you get the hang of it, get ready to be pleasantly surprised!

Wakeboard Base Shapes & Materials

We’ve decoded some of the terms you’re likely to run into when selecting a board and learning about its shape and materials because some of the wakeboarding lingo can be confusing for beginners or those doing research in preparation for getting out on the water.


In order to break surface tension before the rest of the wakeboard hits, the long, extruded fins on the bottom of the board are referred to as channels. Compare the bellyflop to the swan dive.


Lift is produced by concaves, which are the unique quarter-circle dents on the bottom of your wakeboard that serve as suction-reducing accelerators and raise the board higher in the water so you can cruise all day. It’s important to remember that the location of the concaves will affect how high the board rides as well.

V-shape Spines

Landings are made softer by the V-shaped spines. In a manner akin to some boats’ v-shaped hulls, the spines make it simple to roll from edge to edge. V-shaped spines are common on 3-stage rocker wakeboards to help cushion landings.


Wakeboards with no features, such as molded fins or channels, rely entirely on the shape of the board for performance.

Grind Base

Due to the growing popularity of rail-riding, grind bases have been developed. These bases must be extremely durable and tough to withstand the wear and tear of sliding over PVC, metal, or docks.

Base Material

If you intend to use your wakeboard on sliders that could damage the base, you should think about the base material.

Wakeboard Edges & Fins

Sharpness Vs. Variable Edges

The size and/or location of the fins on the wakeboard are just two examples of the many variables that can change how well they grip the water. Fin placements that are deeper or longer tend to create a more stable ride and reduce the possibility of performing tricks; this is a great choice for beginners perfecting their form. As you get the hang of it, you can start taking the fins off and choosing a board with less traction, which will allow you to start performing tricks both on the water and in the air.

Fin Placement & Size

Although they can vary in size and/or location on the wakeboard, fins are intended to help you grip the water. Fin placement that is deeper or longer tends to produce a more stable ride and reduce the ability to perform tricks; this is a great choice for beginners perfecting their form. As you get the hang of it, you can start to take the fins off and choose a board with less traction, giving you the chance to start pulling off tricks both in the air and on the water.

Removable Or Molded-in Fins

There are two fin types that can be perfect for your wakeboard. A removable fin enables ongoing customization and can be damaged or removed by unscrewing it. Molded fins, on the other hand, are permanent and are glassed into wakeboards. In comparison to removable fins, molded fins have the advantages of being much more secure and long-lasting.

Fin Maintenance

It’s best to regularly inspect your board and make sure the fin screws are tightened. Just keep in mind that since they are replaceable removable fins, if they do become loose or disappear, you can always replace them. See more about What Is Wakeboarding?

Wakeboard Maintenance

  • Stay out of the sun as much as possible with your wakeboard. Like skin, equipment is damaged by the sun.
  • After using it in salt water, always rinse your equipment with fresh water.
  • Use a wakeboard bag to store and transport your board to protect your investment. Bags shield your boat from jolts, scratches, and excessive sun exposure. Before storing your wakeboard in its bag for an extended period of time, make sure it is dry.
  • Keep your equipment in a cool, dry place.

Set Up A Wakeboard And Proper Stance

The majority of people have never been instructed in the correct technique for mounting bindings on a wakeboard. When learning, it’s crucial to take a wider stance at first, then narrow it once you feel at ease using the board. We begin with a wider stance because it provides more stability. Most people will find it strange, so you should learn how to get up and ride a little before adjusting it. Most riders typically have a slightly ducked-out stance and ride with one screw hole in from each side of the board. Ducked out refers to the feet being slightly angled outward.

You probably need to angle your feet outward a little bit more if you feel pressure on one or both of your knees or on the outside of your feet. Find out what works best for you by trying out several different wakeboarding stances. Because someone else set up your board for you, don’t continue using it as is. You’ll discover that a comfortable stance makes riding easier.

The End

You are now prepared to hit your local body of water because you have a thorough understanding of wakeboard technology. All people must discover their inner riders, in the end. He will communicate with you far more effectively than we can once you establish a strong rapport with that voice inside of your soul. There is a good chance that you will enjoy yourself no matter which wakeboard you choose in the end. Additionally, the primary goal of wakeboarding is enjoyment. We hope you have clear skies, calm waters, and safe riding.

Many thanks for reading.

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