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How To Stand On Skateboard Victoriously: A Complete Guide For Beginners

Skateboarding is the ideal illustration of an extreme sport that is doable with enough coordination, dexterity, and control. Professional skaters perform incredible stunts and intricate moves. But before cruising on the streets, ramps, and rails, it’s crucial for you to focus on the fundamentals of skateboarding as a beginner.

You must be aware of the most crucial action to take in order to successfully skate on the road, the street, or in a park. A skateboard is used for this. This article will walk you through the process step-by-step. You can read on down below.

Why is It Important to Properly Stand on a Skateboard?

People frequently envision skateboarders performing tricks on half-pipes or tearing up handrails when they think of the sport. But being able to stand on a skateboard is the most crucial ability for any skateboarder.

With the right stance, skaters can perform tricks and maintain their safety while skating with more balance and control. Try both and see which one feels more comfortable to determine which stance is best for you. With the right stance, you’ll be one step closer to mastering skateboarding.

How to Stand on a Skateboard Victoriously

1. Position Yourself and Your Skateboard

Be confident as you get ready for skateboarding. Find your skateboard and position it in front of your feet while moving in the direction you want to skate. Your body and feet will follow the direction of your head to where you are going or moving. If at all possible, choose a skating location with the soft ground so that falling won’t hurt as much.

2. Choose the Stance You Are Most Comfortable With

Skateboarding uses two different stances: the regular stance and the silly stance. You must decide which stance feels the most natural to you. You have chosen the regular if you prefer to put your left foot forward at the front of the board, directly behind the front wheels. Your right foot will push and roll in the meantime.

Your left foot will be doing the pushing while your right foot is in front of the board in the goofy stance. Try both positions if you’re unsure which one is the most comfortable for you. Afterward, decide which one you prefer. The three fundamental motions your feet and your board must perform are pushing, getting on, and rolling or sliding.

3. Get Your Feet in the 90-degree Position

You may use your foot to push a little after settling on your stance. Make a strong, quick push with your right foot to get into a regular stance. Your board will make a small advancement. Next, hop a little before landing with your feet 90 degrees apart. This will make rolling risk-free. Experts also advise positioning your feet in the same manner as in the illustration below, directly across from the board’s front and back bolts.

4. Bend Your Knees Slightly

By slightly bending your knees and lowering your butt, you might become more relaxed. You can easily correct errors in this way. Your hips will bear the majority of your weight, which can help moderately with balance. You can easily put your arms on the ground when you fall to prevent injuries.

5. Balance Yourself on the Board by Making Slight Adjustments

Prior to rolling, maintain balance while standing on the board. To stay upright, make small adjustments to your hips, knees, feet, and ankles. You can also manage your movements and your board in this way. Pushing, climbing up, and rolling are all permitted once you can stand on the board comfortably.

How To Stand On Skateboard Victoriously: A Complete Guide For Beginners

Things You Need for Your Skateboarding


Skateboards come in a number of varieties. These include longboards, classics, and cruisers. The traditional skateboard with popsicle-shaped decks is what most professionals advise beginning with. A skateboard deck should also have a width proportionate to the size of your shoes. Pick a deck width of roughly 7.5 to 8 inches if your shoe size ranges from 6.5 to 9.

Skate Shoes

Injuries can be avoided, shocks can be absorbed, and grip can be provided by good skate shoes. They need to support you, go with your skating style, and match your feet. Suede shoes are advised for skateboarding. This is due to the fact that they last longer and provide a good board feel.

Skate Park, Roads, Streets With Even Surfaces

For skateboarding, you need a surface that is level or even. Avoid surfaces with holes or bumps that could cause you to fall or have an accident. Visit a skate park, well-paved streets, or parks with alleys.

If you are learning to skateboard, there is a chance that you will fall off. As a result, you should take precautions. Protective gears that you will need in your skateboarding are the following:

Knee Pads

For a novice skateboarder, knee guards are strongly advised. Upon impact with the road, these pads can shield the rider from scrapes and cuts. The majority of skateboarding uses vert knee pads. The material that wraps the leg is made of thick foam, and the knee pad is made of hard plastic.


If you fall, the helmet will keep your head from suffering serious wounds. Beginners frequently fall, which can cause concussions and other injuries.

Elbow Pads

Another piece of equipment you must have when skateboarding is elbow pads. In the event that you fall backward or sideways, these will prevent your elbows and arms from breaking.

Wrist Guards

Your hands or wrists could sustain cuts or injuries if you fall forward and use your hands to break your fall. Wrist guards can be used to stop this from happening.

Close Note: Have Fun!

Your fun and exciting exploration of skateboarding begin when you learn how to stand on a skateboard. Simply follow the directions above, and you’ll then be able to stand on your skateboard straight.

In the box below, please feel free to comment or ask questions. We value your opinions very much. Additionally, we are happy to respond to all of your inquiries. Skateboarding is a lot of fun!


How to Stand on a Skateboard Right-handed?

Right-handed skateboarders should stand with their right foot in the middle and their left foot under the board. Next, raise your left foot while pushing down with your right foot.

How Do You Balance on a Skateboard?

The key to balancing on a skateboard is to keep your weight evenly distributed between both feet, practice shifting your weight from one foot to the other, and keep your eyes up.

How Do You Stop on a Skateboard?

By shifting your weight to your back foot and dragging your front foot along the ground, you can stop skating. By grabbing the ground, you can use your hand to stop the board as well. Before trying it out in traffic, remember to practice stopping in a safe area!

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